No Excuses

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I used to have personalized license plates on my car. The two words I wanted were already taken so I had to be creative. The DMV finally agreed on this version: NOXQZIZ

Any idea what it says? Most people did not get it at first and they came up with a lot of really creative but wrong answers.

NO EXCUSES. I wanted that on my plates to remind me every day that if it was going to be it was up to me.

I have a terrible habit of making excuses. If we ranked all of the bad habits that you could pick up this would be in the top 3!

Making Excuses for why you are where you are or what you have become is easy in the present. It does not cost me anything right now BUT it will cost me everything in the future.

Using Excuses to cover up your failures is a lot like using credit cards to buy things now that you cannot afford. It’s really easy and will not cost you a penny right now. All of your payments and penalties (Interest) come in your future!

When I make an excuse today to cover up my lack of effort, fear of trying or because I quit, then I push all the payment into my future. This type of lifestyle will eventually bankrupt you!

My plates were a constant reminder to me to take responsibility for my life.  Where I am currently is NO ONE ELSE’S fault but my own! Excuses are a weak and pitiful way of living. They will rob you of all your joy, peace, relationships, opportunities and MONEY.

If you are having a problem making excuses for why you have not done then treat them like a bad credit card problem…Cut them up so you cannot use them again!

Making Excuses is a terrible way to try and live your life. Be Bold and go after what you want because even if you fail you will be a thousand times farther then the person who’s still living off of credit (Excuses)!


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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