Hair of the Dog

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I was taught “Hair of the Dog” as a hangover remedy when drinking was a big part of my life. Not sure if it ever worked as a hangover cure, but it was a great excuse to start drinking again!

The phrase comes from the expression “hair of the dog that bit you,” meaning that the best cure for what ails you is to have some more of it. In ancient times it was literally used to say that if a dog were to bite you, putting the dog’s hair into the wound would heal it. “Like cures like.”

I do not recommend this strategy for hangovers, it’s easier just to stop drinking, but I highly recommend this for what “Fears You or Bullies You”!

Today society focuses on changing the one who is causing the Fear or Bullying, and that is a MISTAKE! They try to baby proof the world, so no one will have to face or deal with Fear or Bullies.

The problem with that is it gives Fear and Bullies more power over your life. There are NO SAFE PLACES. You must Face the Fear/Bully head on – Hair of the Dog!

Let’s use the Hair of the Dog strategy to cure the Fear and Bully hangover! It’s a simple process. Whatever you are afraid of go after! (Unless it is a spider then beat it with a big stick and run).

I’ve used this strategy with Sales, public speaking, starting a business, relationships, social events, and heights, to name a few, with great success.

One of my biggest fears right now is writing a book. Thinking about it makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and cry for my binky!

Now I write a small blog each week that will be used as the foundation of a book. This is what I mean by Hair of the Dog. Writing a book is a Bully I must face so instead of running from it I face it in small pieces.

What are some of your Fears/Bullies that are kicking sand in your face? Try some Hair of the Dog and watch how you start to grow and the fear starts to shrink!

                                                   Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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