Time Out

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Calling a Time Out during a game can be very strategic. They are used for a variety of reasons: to conserve the time on the clock, regroup your team, set up a critical play or to protect your team from a penalty or mistake.

Many times our Football coach used a Time Out to get our heads back in the game. There are times when you are in the heat of the game that you react in a negative way to something someone did to you. Once you do, it not only costs you but your entire team suffers because you lost your head!

I do not play football anymore, but it is time to call a Time Out for the teams we work with, the teams we work on and the teams we own. We need a Time Out to so that we can get our heads back in the game!

I am watching and reading how professionals, business owners, managers, and employees are expressing their opinions every time someone on the other team does or says something. You need to call a Time Out and get back to the reason you are in the game…To Serve your Team and Customers!

Every time we spend our energy “Sharing” our opinion we are creating Competition. When this happens, we are creating division, isolation, and separation with our teams and our customers.

If your goal is to turn people off, create distrust and eventually fail then, by all means, keep “sharing” your opinion! Here is the hard truth – NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR OR MY OPINION.

What We ALL want is for you to inspire us, motivate us, give us hope, and make us feel better about ourselves. When we do this, we CONNECT with people! Connecting with people is Essential to your success.

Be the Coach your team and customers need today. Call a Time Out, walk away and regroup.

You must Stop posting, reacting, responding and feeling like you have to set the record straight about others opinions.

Learn to call a Time Out and Connect with the Purpose of your Team…To Serve!


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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