Persistence will fail you

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Last week I watched the movie, “The Founder” about the life of Ray Kroc and the McDonald brothers. It’s interesting to see how having something that is so essential to success, Persistence, can also lead you to places you never wanted to go.

There are billions of stars in the sky, but only one is fixed…The North Star. It will always lead you North. The North Star is the Only star that will not lead you astray!

Persistence is critical to your success but, left to its own devices, it will lead you astray! Ray Kroc foolishly believed that being persistent enough would lead him to success.

It can lead you to many places, but it will NEVER lead you to the life you’ve dreamed of or yearned for. It can never lead you to your Destiny or Calling.

You were born with a North Star…Passion. Like the North Star it will always lead you in the right direction because it is fixed. Passion cannot be altered or changed by humanity.

This is why it is so important to follow your Passion and not be led by other things that are not fixed!

Persistence, work ethic, determination, positive attitude, goals and our vision MUST all be submitted to our Passion. These are all great qualities that we should seek but they will lead you astray!

Passion is the only one that will force your focus outward and not inward. Everything else will eventually fail you because they will turn inward. It’s not a function of if they turn but when!

Passion can never fail because it is not something you can control, move, or even decide what its direction will be. You can control Persistence, determination, your goals, and vision but you cannot control or change Passion!

You can choose to follow any of these things but if you want to stay the course and find your true destiny then follow your North Star…Passion.


                                    Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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