Passion must be caught not taught

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I caught the flu over the Holidays and unintentionally shared it with my Family. Great Christmas present from me to them! Twenty-five years ago I caught Passion the same way I caught the flu, by being around someone who had it.


Passion must be caught not taught.

You can invest your time and energy by reading every book on the subject, but that will not ignite your soul on fire. In the same manner, you could read books on how to catch the flu, but until you are around those who have it, you will not get it.


Reading is a great start because it will tell you WHAT to do but it cannot DO it for you! YOU are responsible to seek out a carrier and get infected!


I had read many books and listened to many tapes about Passion. All of that knowledge from some of the most successful people in the world did not help me find it!


Gregorio helped me find my Passion. I got infected within a couple of months of spending time with him! Since I had been reading for years and was not close to figuring it out but spending a short time with a carrier created a spark deep down in my soul.


The process is simple: if you want to get sick hang out with sick people and if you want to find your Passion hang out with those who have it!


Igniting your passion disclaimer: Your life will be forever ruined. You will no longer seek to be average and just get by. It will drive you to do things above your ability and pay grade. It will consume you, and at some point, you will lose control!


Get out there and surround yourself with people of Passion and at some point, you will catch it and become a Passion Dealer!



                                           Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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