
  • Your enthusiasm for your work was infectious and your content covering "Connection, Passion and Responsibility" really hit home with our team. Not only were they motivated by your presentation, but they continued to comment at the reception afterward how much they enjoyed it.

    Towbes Group Testimonial
    Jim Carrillo, CPM

    The Towbes Group

  • Our networking group had the ultimate privilege of hearing Ed Carcarey speak last month. Ed brought a personal, heart-felt message that touched the entire room. He has a commanding, infectious presence and brings motivation and encouragement to the work weary. His challenge to our group was to make every day a day worth living for - and to stop working for the weekend. He reminded us of the importance of getting back to the basics: working hard and serving people. He asked us to question our "WHY" of what we do from our 9-5 workday. His message had us thinking far beyond our lunch meeting and the conversation continues between members even today. Any group would be blessed to have the fortune of having him speak...I know we will be asking him back next year and for years to come.

    Amy K Curti

    President Santa Maria Women's Network

  • Early this year, we brought Ed into our 2 day Sales and Marketing meeting as a motivational speaker. He was all that and more! He spoke from the heart, relayed personal stories of success and failure and gave my team a sense of hope and optimism. Most importantly, Ed showed my team the power of having a positive attitude in everything you do in life. Through some simple exercises and frameworks my team knows how to handle negativity and setbacks in a constructive manner, while remaining positive and most importantly grateful for everything that we have in life. Two months later and I still hear my team referencing Ed’s speech and I am confident two years from now I will still see his impact on my team. I highly recommend bringing in Ed into one of your team meetings it is well worth it. The only downside is I had to follow him to close up my meeting! Dinsh Guzdar – President f’real Foods Inc.

    Testimonial for Ed Carcarey
    Dinsh Guzdar

    F'real Foods Inc

  • Ed is a dynamic speaker with the ability to leave a lasting imprint on his audience. He is an individual of energy, conviction, and the kind of authenticity required to lead.

    Jose Huitron

    Hub 81