
Create your own Energy!

10:02 am
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Do you struggle to get out of bed in the mornings?

Are you lethargic, unmotivated, and feel like you are running in peanut butter all day?

Do you need copious amounts of coffee, energy drinks, and pills to make it through the day?

Does your job seem boring and bland?

If any of these apply, then you are part of the MAJORITY of people in the world!

Being in the Majority is rarely a good thing, and if you are part of this group, you have forfeited your Purpose and your Passion.

We will not generate any energy when we […]

I Can’t!

12:32 pm
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| […]

I Can’t Verses You Can’t

2:18 pm
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If you are looking for an Excuse to quit on your Purpose and Passion, then I Can’t, or You Can’t are perfect!

I Can’t is a lie we tell ourselves and others to protect our Egos and give us a Hall Pass for quitting.

You Can’t is a lie others tell you to protect their Ego’s and give you a Hall Pass for Quitting. (This makes them feel good since they already quit on their Purpose & Passion).

They are the same lie being told, and we treat them like they are TRUTH!

These two […]

12 Tips to Spice up Your Love Life!

11:28 am
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Do you remember how you felt when you or the person you asked said YES?

It was exciting, wonderful, and overflowing with joy at the idea of sharing your life with your Job!

Do not hate me, but your job needs the same care, attention, and desire that your marriage does.

Marriages fail because we stop doing the small things we did when we were courting our spouse.

Jobs fail for the same reason…We fall out of love because we forget to feed the fire!

According to Gallop and Harris polls, most Americans have fallen out of love with […]

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