
Illegal Dumping

5:49 am
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We have dumpsters in an alley behind our company.

This seems to be an invitation for Illegal Dumping by lazy and weak people.

These individuals would rather Dump their problems on you than have to accept responsibility for them.

We tend to do Illegal Dumping on our friends and family with our words the way people are doing it to our dumpsters.

Instead of dealing with and solving the problem, we decide to treat our friends like the landfill, dumping our trash on them.

Toxic Word Trash is complaining, whining, blaming, excuse-making, gossiping, and any problem you are unwilling […]

Sacred Honor

9:00 am
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“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.”

This is the last sentence of the Declaration of Independence and where the 56 men signed their names.

Sam Adams stood and summarized what they had just done. “We have this day,” he said, “restored the Sovereign to Whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven and from the rising to the setting of the sun; let His kingdom come.”

They pledged to each […]

Sacred Honor

9:00 am
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https://youtu.be/B4CX6AhZIf0 […]

It is up to ME!

9:00 am
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The quote by William H Johnsen should be our daily mantra:

                           “If it is TO BE, it is up TO ME!”

To be respected or trusted, we must first be accountable.

We MUST be responsible for every part of our lives.

There are NO EXCUSES & There is NO ONE to Blame!

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