Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

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Dr. Jekyll is a fictional character in Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1886 novella Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Jekyll believes he is battling between the good and evil within himself. He spends his life trying to repress evil urges. Dr. Jekyll develops a serum in an attempt to mask this hidden evil. However, in doing so, Jekyll transforms into Mr. Hyde, a hideous creature without compassion or remorse. As time goes by, Hyde grows in power and eventually manifests whenever Jekyll shows signs of physical or moral weakness, no longer needing the serum to be released.

This fictional story sums up the life of the American Worker!

You have two people battling on the inside of you:

The first one is consumed with Passion and following hard after their Purpose. They love doing what they are doing and do not need to be told to work or produce. They get to work early; work like it’s the day before a vacation and come home fulfilled! This is a small group of people. They are the Dr. Jekyll’s.

The second group is consumed with frustration, discontentment, and frustration. They love to complain, blame, and make excuses, whine, and gossip. This group comes in late, leaves early and works like they are Zombies. They come home exhausted and believe that the world is out to get them. This is a LARGE group of people. They are the Mr. Hyde’s.

The key to which personality you become is the one YOU decide to become.

Whichever one you think and talk about the most is the one YOU will manifest at work and life!

Feeding on the Positive and Practicing Gratitude will bring out Dr. Jekyll.

Feeding on Drama and Negativity will bring out Mr. Hyde.

The third group is the most dangerous. These are the ones who change from day to day. They come in one day excited and energetic about what they are doing, but the very next day they manifest into a lazy, whiny and entitled monster.

Decide today to be the Master of your life.

Make a decision to be Dr. Jekyll and live a life of fulfillment at work.

         Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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