Clark Kent & Superman

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“Yes, it’s Superman! He was a strange visitor from another planet who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel with his bare hands, and who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way.”

I grew up watching and idolizing this TV show. We all grew up in those days wanting to be Superman!

Funny thing is I can’t remember one person EVER saying I want to be Clark Kent. He was the mild-mannered, clumsy, fearful and painfully uncommitted reporter.

As a society we have far TOO many Clark Kent’s at work and not near enough Supermen and women.

The truth of the matter is that YOU possess within you the ability to be Super at you job.

You do not need to come from another planet, fall into a vat of radioactive material or get hit by an alien ray gun to transform into a Super Productive Worker.

Which of the two descriptions above would your boss, clients and or peers say about you? Are you Clark Kent or Superman?

I guarantee that if you have not found your Passion you are walking around in a daze from day to day and most would think you are Clark Kent’s twin!

Almost every job or project looks impossible for the Clark’s of the world. They only see work, frustration and boredom.

The key to finding your Superman is creating your cause.

Clark & Superman work as a team. Clark works as a reporter and Superman works at saving the world!

You HAVE to have both of these to be Super. Your Cause must be bigger than your job or you end up being Clark for the rest of your life.

NO ONE is standing in line to meet Clark. NO ONE wants to Hire, Promote, or Give a Raise to Clark.


The TV show and movies were called SUPERMAN not Clark Kent.

You have your Job NOW find YOUR Cause and become your Company’s Superman or Woman!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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