Your “What” Should Propose to your “Why”!

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People are divorcing their jobs/careers faster now than at any point in History!

I promise you this: If you don’t Marry your “What” to your “Why” YOU will either get a divorce or live with something you hate for the rest of your life.

Having a job or title, no matter how much it pays, is only half of the equation to following your Purpose and Passion.

You must make sure your WHAT Proposes to your WHY!

What you do is easy. It’s your job or the title that you have: Secretary, Attorney, Sales, Entrepreneur, etc.

The WHY can be a little tricky, BUT we make it so much harder than it should be. WHY is all about who you were put on this Earth to serve. It is Your Passion.

To live a life of fulfillment, value, and excitement you need to marry your What to Your Why or you will soon be divorced from your job!

Our Jobs are NOT the problem. In most cases, our problems come because we think What we do is Separate from Why we do.

When we keep these two separate from each other, there is NO way to produce offspring (Results).

The key is to find out who your job is already serving the best and then find a Cause that matches.

I married my What to my Why 28 years ago, and it’s been one of the most exciting adventures of my life.

The company I was working for was serving Business Owners, so I started to get involved on Boards, Committees, and organizations that also served them.

This dramatically changed my relationship and attitude towards my job. I no longer treated it like it was something I had to do.

Now my career/Job became something I could not wait to do!

Find out who your company serves best and then look for ways to use your time, energy, and Job to partner with to serve them in a more meaningful way.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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